Updates & News: Fresno, FAMU, UNC, OK State, URI, Binghamton, Dartmouth, Amherst

Catching up on some of the news from the past week:

Fresno State/Theta Chi – Following last week’s release of a search warrant with detailed information on the incidents surrounding the death of Phillip Dhanens, while pledging Theta Chi at Fresno State, the National organization has notified the University that they are revoking the chapter’s charter. Here is the press release from Theta Chi HQ. The investigation into this death is continuing.

Florida A&M – The crackdown on hazing in all student organizations at Florida A&M continues with the suspension of Kappa Psi Psi Healthcare Sorority, and Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity (both articles from the FAMUAN). This response to these activities is a strong message, and a good sign as they work to address campus culture issues.

Tallahassee.com also reports on anti-hazing efforts in the community at a local Baptist Church. The FAMUAN has a report on comments made by Interim President Larry Robinson at the same event.

North Carolina – In a report from The Daily Tar Heel, four chapters have been cleared of hazing allegations as part of a wide-spread investigation. Three chapters are still under investigation or facing a hearing.

Oklahoma State/Sigma Chi – The Daily O’Collegian reports that a 22-year-old member of Sigma Chi died over the weekend. He was found by his roommate, and did not reside in the chapter house. Very little information has been released, and an investigation is underway.

Rhode Island/Alpha PhiNarragansett.patch has a report on the arrest of a former Alpha Phi advisor for embezzling over $165,000 as president of the chapter house corporation. Tanya McGinn Paolo had also served as a campus fraternity/sorority advisor at Tufts University, Johnson and Wales, and Bryant University, over the past decade. She left Tufts in February of 2011, with no explanation.

SUNY-Binghamton – With the campus culture still in the spotlight, the Pipe Dream student newspaper has a report on police raids and arrests at two fraternity parties last weekend. The newspaper also has an article on a violation of policies regarding pledging first-semester freshmen by Alpha Sigma Phi. It is particularly interesting to read the comments by University President, Harvey Stenger, a member of Alpha Sigma Phi from his undergraduate days at Cornell.

DartmouthThe Dartmouth (student newspaper) has an article on the reaction to new hazing policies implemented this year. The responses from the students continues to show the challenges in changing the culture on campus. The Dartmouth also has a guest editorial by a current student talking about his experience being hazed, and his call for students to lead the change. It is truly worth reading as it provides a different (and somewhat more credible) angle to the concerns raised by Andrew Lohse last year.

Amherst College/Theta Delta Chi – Amherst College is in a bit of an uproar over a sexist and degrading t-shirt produced by the Theta Delta Chi chapter to promote their annual pig roast (AC Voice). Here are a couple of opinion pieces on the issue: Biddy Martin and the TD T-Shirt, Let’s Push Things Forward – Fairly (both from AC Voice).

For your entertainment –

About deanharwood

Interested in talking about current events in the fraternity/sorority world.
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